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MysteryOpening: Most Promising Mystery Box Site 2024?

Review of MysteryOpening. Best Online Mystery Boxes. Pro Tips. Real? Get Free Credit. Your Guide to Opening Mystery Boxes. Important Info.

Hey, mystery box lovers! I'm Ashley, your UnboxFanatic, and today we're diving deep into MysteryOpening. This mystery box site has been a hit since 2019, drawing in hundreds of thousands with its cool boxes. So, is it a scam or a score? We're going to check out this box from every angle to see what's really inside. In this post, we'll look at everything about MysteryOpening—website, boxes, prices, customization, support, payments, delivery, referrals, bonuses, giveaways—you get the idea! Plus, we'll check out real user reviews to see if the hype is actually worth it. So come along as we dig into the box and figure out what makes MysteryOpening tick. And no, we won't be using a literal tick-tock clock for that, haha!

Custom mystery boxesFast deliveryFree welcome boxesDeposit bonusesCrypto acceptedFrequent giveawaysLimited user reviewsNewish website



1Get 5 free boxes when signing up and joining their discord

220% first deposit bonus and 10% monthly deposit bonus, when checking out

3Get daily free boxes according to your level on MysteryOpening

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First published 4/19/2024 on BetterChecked• last updated 7/24/2024

MysteryOpening review: Your guide to this popular mystery box site

People often question: is MysteryOpening legit or just a scam? Let's take a peek behind the curtain and see if this mystery box site really is as good as it claims. As someone who knows a thing or two about this, I'm here to share

  • ->the pros and cons
  • ->what it's like to use
  • ->and more - all in the name of helping you figure out if MysteryOpening is worth your time and cash.

The truth about MysteryOpening is about to be revealed. Buckle up, folks; let's go on this wild ride together! ;)

What's the story behind MysteryOpening?

Let's dive into the story of MysteryOpening, shall we? It kicked off in 2019, providing a platform for people to check out mystery boxes. The creators - who stayed as anonymous as a cat in a dark alley - built an active community on social media platforms like Discord and Twitter. They started with a few mystery boxes but soon had over 60 official options.

They kept adding new ones to keep things interesting, because who doesn't love a good surprise, right? ;) But what makes MysteryOpening cool (and not just regular room-temperature cool) is that it lets users make their own custom boxes, giving endless customization options. They even added features like:

  • ->a demo mode
  • ->deposit bonuses, and
  • ->daily boxes based on account level, all thanks to user feedback.

MysteryOpening's main goal has always been to deliver real items, ship quickly, and provide great customer support. These things have made it a fan favorite. So, you might ask, "Is MysteryOpening just another mystery box site?" I'd say it's more than that. It's a community built around the thrill of surprise. The founders have created an online trend by listening to user feedback and delivering real items super fast with top-notch customer service.

As someone who's been in this field for years, I can confidently recommend MysteryOpening's innovative and successful journey. Their next move is always exciting to wait for, but one thing is sure - they've got our attention. So, is MysteryOpening legit or just another scam? We can dig deeper to see if this mystery box site lives up to its reputation. Let's keep uncovering the truth about MysteryOpening, because who doesn't love a good mystery, haha!

Is MysteryOpening legit? Let's find out the truth about this mystery box platform

After digging into the history and unique features of MysteryOpening, it's time to check if it's legit. We're still investigating if this platform really delivers what it promises - no pressure, right? If you decide to take a risk (and we mean 'risk' in the most adventurous sense) and sign up for MysteryOpening, you can see if it meets your expectations.

Once you've made an account, it's clear that the site's simple design makes it easy to navigate and pick the perfect mystery box. With more than 60 official boxes available, the excitement builds - kind of like waiting for your birthday presents, but without the aging part. But hitting the "Buy Now" button might make you question if you can trust the platform.

For now it seems legit.

We haven't found any reason to distrust their fairness claims and it seems like a solid option for your mystery box itch.

How does MysteryOpening score on Trustpilot?

After digging into the history and unique features of MysteryOpening, it's time to dive deeper. Is this platform as awesome as it says? Let's find out, shall we? At first, I wasn't sure if MysteryOpening was legit, so I checked out Trustpilot. I found out that the site had a pretty good score of 4.1 out of 5 with 17 reviews. People praised its great service, fast delivery, and real products. Even though there weren't many reviews, this rating eased my worries - phew! It looks like MysteryOpening might be worth a shot.

Here are some key points:

  • ->MysteryOpening has a decent Trustpilot rating of 4.1 out of 5. Not too shabby, huh?
  • ->Even with only 17 reviews, it seems promising since most feedback is positive.
  • ->It's nice to know that people praised the site for its good service, fast delivery, and real products.
  • ->No scams or fake products were reported on Trustpilot, which makes it more trustworthy. Or does it? ;)
  • ->The positive reviews on Trustpilot make MysteryOpening a mystery box platform worth considering.

After checking out MysteryOpening's Trustpilot rating, I can confidently say it's pretty good. With a score of 4.1 out of 5 from 17 reviews, it seems like this mystery box site is legit and worth thinking about. Users seem happy with the service, delivery, and products they get, which is always a good sign. While I had doubts at first, it looks like MysteryOpening has earned trust. After exploring the history and unique features of MysteryOpening, the next step is to examine the details. Is this platform all it's cracked up to be? The investigation continues to find out more.

Best mystery box site: Comparing MysteryOpening with other sites

After checking out the history and cool features of MysteryOpening, it's time to dig deeper. Is this site as awesome as it claims? Let's find out together, shall we?

You might be asking if MysteryOpening is the best mystery box site out there. Well, let me break it down for you, detective style.

  • ->First off, they have a ton of boxes - over 60 official ones, and you can even make your own.
  • ->Their payment methods are flexible and secure.
  • ->Their customer service is on point, and delivery time isn't too bad.

But what about other sites? Are they better? I decided to put MysteryOpening head-to-head with some top competitors. So, let's dive into the world of mystery boxes together! It's like an episode of Scooby-Doo, but without the talking dog.

How much do these mystery boxes cost?

After checking out MysteryOpening's backstory and cool features, let's get into the nitty-gritty, shall we? The site has a ton of mystery boxes - and when I say 'a ton', I mean it - with prices as low as 20 cents to as high as $500. So, no matter your budget (or lack thereof), you can enjoy the adrenaline rush of opening a mystery box without going broke. Phew!

If you're willing to spend more, there are boxes worth up to $500 that might have some really cool and valuable stuff. Or so they say ;) With over 60 official mystery boxes at different prices, there's something for everyone. Even for those who can't make up their minds!

  • ->Want something more personal? Well, MysteryOpening lets you make your own boxes, so you can decide how much you spend and what's inside. Talk about control freaks, haha!

Plus, MysteryOpening gives you ways to enjoy mystery boxes without spending a dime. They give out free daily boxes and ways to earn free credit, so you can join in on the fun without spending anything. Now, isn't that generous?

Mystery boxes at MysteryOpening range from 20 cents to $500, catering to all kinds of customers. This pricing setup lets you enjoy the thrill of opening mystery boxes without blowing your budget. And even make custom boxes to fit your budget. Also, with free daily boxes and ways to earn free credit, sometimes you can join in on the fun for free. Who said there's no such thing as a free lunch?

As for the quality of MysteryOpening, based on my own experience, it's definitely worth checking out. But hey, don't take my word for it. Give it a whirl yourself! :)

How can you make a profit with MysteryOpening?

MysteryOpening? It's more than just a site to buy mystery boxes, my friend. It's a creative space where you can make and sell your own custom boxes - yes, you heard it right - which could help you earn some cash.



1Get 5 free boxes when signing up and joining their discord

220% first deposit bonus and 10% monthly deposit bonus, when checking out

3Get daily free boxes according to your level on MysteryOpening

Try MysteryOpening yourself

Every time someone opens one of your boxes, you get paid. So, it's not just about buying, but also making. The more people open your boxes, the more money you make. Simple math, isn't it?

MysteryOpening isn't like other mystery box sites. Oh no, it encourages users to get involved and rewards creativity. After spending what feels like an eternity in the mystery box world, I can say that MysteryOpening is a hidden gem. It has a wide range of boxes for all tastes and budgets.

But what sets it apart is that it lets users create their own boxes and make money from them. How cool is that? :)

  • ->There are also daily giveaways
  • ->and a referral program, which makes earning even easier.

Just remember, to be successful, you need to keep your boxes fresh and appealing. Attract customers effectively, and watch your earnings grow. If you're looking for a unique, fun, and potentially profitable mystery box experience, MysteryOpening could be the perfect platform. But hey, no pressure! ;)

Are there any rules or limits when using MysteryOpening?

MysteryOpening isn't just for buying mystery boxes, it's also a cool way to get creative and make some cash. There are a few things you need to know before you dive in.

  • ->Firstly, multiaccounting is not allowed. That means each person can only create one account, folks.
  • ->Second, you gotta be over 18 to join - it's an adults-only platform. No kids allowed, sorry!
  • ->Also, there's a limit on how much credit you can buy at once, so you need to plan ahead. Think of it as budgeting for your mystery box adventure.
  • ->And if you're making big withdrawals or deposits, you'll need to confirm who you are. It's just a normal safety thing - nothing to see here, folks!
  • ->Lastly, stick to the site's rules to keep everything running smoothly. It's like following the rules of a game - it keeps things fair and fun for everyone.

Even though there are a few rules and limits with MysteryOpening, it's still a top choice for mystery box lovers. If you want a fun, unique, and maybe even profitable mystery box experience, MysteryOpening could be for you. It's not just a place to buy mystery boxes; it's a place to get creative and make money. You can even create and sell your own custom boxes. Every time someone opens one of your boxes, you get paid. That adds an extra layer of excitement to the whole mystery box thing. Cha-ching! :)

MysteryOpening free boxes: The perks of signing up and getting your friends involved

MysteryOpening gives you fresh and unique experiences - I've tried it myself, and boy, do I have a tale to share! The wide range of mystery boxes on MysteryOpening caught my eye right away. They have everything from cheap to luxury surprises; so there's something for everyone. And get this, they even give free daily boxes to newbies - talk about a warm welcome!

  • ->Opening my first box was super exciting. Inside were things I wanted, and cool surprises I didn't even know I needed.

It felt like Christmas morning, but every day - who wouldn't want that? Seeing how much fun I was having, some of my friends joined me on MysteryOpening. They loved opening their own mystery boxes too. Plus, the referral program let me earn points and rewards just by inviting them, so we all won - score! You can also make and sell your own custom boxes on MysteryOpening, which adds another layer of fun. This feature lets you not only open boxes but also put together your own. Each time someone opens one of your boxes, you get a commission. It's a fun way to be creative and maybe make some extra cash - cha-ching! If you're looking for a fun, engaging, and maybe profitable mystery box experience, try MysteryOpening. It's more than just a place to buy mystery boxes; it's a hub for creativity and potential profit. With its easy-to-use interface, generous rewards program, and creative opportunities, MysteryOpening is a top pick for mystery box fans like me. You can sign up anytime and start your own mystery box adventure - no time like the present, right? ;)

What goodies do new users get when they join?

Looking back at my time with MysteryOpening, it's clear that this site is a cool and fun place for mystery box lovers. Let's check out what makes this site special, shall we?

  • ->First up, as a newbie, you get 5 free welcome boxes. This quick taste of the excitement of opening a mystery box is like a warm hello - pushing you to explore and find more surprises.
  • ->Plus, linking your Discord account gets you extra goodies. It's a simple step that makes your time on the site even better; talk about a win-win situation!
  • ->One of the best things about MysteryOpening is the chance to double your XP by opening the Top Picks mystery boxes. This not only ups your odds of finding something really cool but also speeds up your progress on the site.
  • ->Regular balance giveaways are another reason to keep coming back. These surprise bonuses add an extra layer of excitement and make every visit to the site worth it.
  • ->But maybe one of the coolest features of MysteryOpening is the option to earn money when someone opens a custom box you made. This lets you show off your creativity, pick your own surprises, and maybe make some extra cash along the way. Who knew being creative could be so profitable? ;)
  • ->Lastly, the level matching feature makes it easy to switch from HypeDrop or other sites. It's a smooth move that keeps the mystery box fun going.

As someone who reviews a lot of mystery box sites, I can say for sure that MysteryOpening is great at making new users feel welcome and involved. With its awesome rewards, creative chances, and easy-to-use interface, it's a top pick for anyone into mystery box fun. Sign up today to start exploring. And remember, curiosity didn't kill the cat, it just got him a bunch of cool stuff from a mystery box!

Do they have a FAQ page and live chat for help?

After checking out MysteryOpening, I've noticed a few cool things that make it stand out.

  • ->They give you all the help and advice you need along the way. MysteryOpening has a detailed FAQ page that answers most common questions.
  • ->This is super helpful if you're new to the site or need quick info - because who has time to wait these days, right?
  • ->Need more personal help? Their live chat feature has got you covered. It's available 24/7, so you're always in the loop.
  • ->Whether you have a question about the Top Picks mystery boxes or how to earn from custom boxes, their fast and knowledgeable customer support team is ready to help.
  • ->If you're not into live chats, no worries! You can just send a support ticket through the website.

Offering different ways to communicate shows MysteryOpening's dedication to making sure users have a smooth experience - talk about going the extra mile! My time on MysteryOpening has been really fun. The excitement of opening mystery boxes, the surprise balance giveaways, and the chance to create my own custom boxes have all made it a unique and engaging experience. But what really makes this platform special is its strong customer support system. From the detailed FAQ page to the 24/7 live chat, MysteryOpening makes sure every user feels supported and valued. So why wait? Dive into the mystery at your own pace - unless you're scared, haha!

How good is MysteryOpening's support?

Their customer service is awesome. I've tried other mystery box sites, and MysteryOpening's support team is way better. They respond quickly and are super helpful, which is rare these days :). So, if you're worried about their support quality, know that they're reliable.

You might wonder, "How good is MysteryOpening's support?" It's so great that it'll make you question why other sites aren't as good! I mean, seriously, what are they doing over there? I've dealt with unhelpful customer service before, but the staff at MysteryOpening are totally different. They respond fast and are really eager to solve your issues. It's a nice change from the usual.

So, if you're curious about their support quality, trust me, it's the best in the mystery box game. Whether you're an experienced mystery box lover or a newbie looking for some fun, know that MysteryOpening is legit. Their support isn't just about helping you get more credits or fixing problems, it's about making sure you have the best time possible. And that's what makes them different from the others.

So, next time you're stuck in a mystery box rut, remember - MysteryOpening is here to save the day!

What's in store for MysteryOpening?

MysteryOpening, a well-known mystery box website, has been around for a while. With the market getting tougher, it's worth thinking about whether MysteryOpening can maintain their good rep and keep offering awesome products.

It's not clear yet if they'll keep coming up with new stuff that keeps customers coming back - or if they'll just start selling empty boxes! Haha.

From what I've seen, I've had a blast with MysteryOpening, finding some cool things along the way :) Like any site, there have been a few hiccups.

The trick is to approach MysteryOpening with an open mind, hit up their customer service when problems pop up (they're not psychic, after all), and just enjoy the ride of diving into the world of mystery boxes.

What are MysteryOpening's plans for the future?

After having a blast with MysteryOpening, and diving headfirst into the world of mystery boxes, it's cool to think about what's coming next. What could be the future plans for MysteryOpening? It's exciting! They're planning to grow their user base by letting us create even more personalized boxes.

We can also look forward to more unique stuff from top brands. Plus, they're working on improving their mobile app.

But what really grabs my attention is the possibility of community events and giveaways. MysteryOpening, you're killing it! I can't wait to see what else you've got up your sleeve.

Now, let's check out these awesome future plans.

  • ->Customized Boxes: We'll have more control over creating personalized mystery boxes with better customization options. Sounds like a dream come true, doesn't it?
  • ->Collaborations with Top Brands: Get pumped to discover exclusive official mystery boxes from collaborations with your favorite top brands. Who wouldn't want that?
  • ->Community Engagement: MysteryOpening is planning community events and giveaways to keep users engaged and entertained. Party time, anyone? ;)
  • ->Improved Mobile App: The mobile app might get a makeover, making it easier for users to use the platform on-the-go. Because who doesn't love a good glow-up?
  • ->Loyalty Program: Users might get special perks and discounts through a possible loyalty program for loyal users. Loyalty pays off, literally!
  • ->Exciting Partnerships: Influencers, businesses, and other platforms might join forces with MysteryOpening to create unique and fun mystery boxes.

So, as we continue our journey with MysteryOpening, it's clear that there's a lot to look forward to. Let's see how these plans play out. And remember, the mystery is half the fun!

My Conclusion to MysteryOpening

Okay, guys - here's what I think about MysteryOpening. As someone who loves mystery boxes (and has tried a bunch of sites), this one really stands out. It's got a user-friendly website, secure payment methods, and loads of different boxes; which makes it popular among users. I know some of you might want to check out reviews - even though there aren't many on Trustpilot, most of them praise the service, delivery, and products. Plus, their team is always there to help if something goes wrong. How comforting, right? :) There are also some cool extras. From freebies for new members (who doesn't love free stuff?) to daily deals and bonus points events, MysteryOpening keeps things fun. They even top up your account balance so you can keep playing without spending too much. Now, isn't that generous? Is MysteryOpening the best? I can't say for sure. But from my experience, they're pretty great. If you're still unsure, maybe give them a try. Or don't. I'm not your boss. ;)

Is MysteryOpening a legit website?

  • ->Test the site in demo mode first - you know, just to get your feet wet.
  • ->Take advantage of the free welcome boxes when you sign up. Who doesn't love free stuff, right?

Just like any other online site, make sure to double-check the info you find about MysteryOpening. Because, let's face it, even Sherlock Holmes had to double-check his clues ;)

Is it safe to share my personal info with MysteryOpening?

  • ->They only ask for the details they need to set up your account and manage transactions - no unnecessary prying here!
  • ->Your info is kept safe and never shared unless you say so.
  • ->Plus, they're always on the lookout for any risks and offer round-the-clock support.

It seems safe to share your personal details with them. But remember, it's important to keep an eye on your account activity - because who else will, right? ;)

How can I make my own mystery box on MysteryOpening?

Making a surprise box on MysteryOpening is super easy - easier than finding Waldo in a candy cane factory!

  • ->First, log in or sign up if you're new (no judgment here).
  • ->Then, hit "Create Box" and pick a theme like gaming, fashion, or electronics.
  • ->You can add stuff by choosing from what's available or uploading your own pics - because who doesn't love a good selfie? ;)
  • ->Next, set the price and describe what's in the box, making sure to highlight why it's worth buying.
  • ->Choose the rarity levels and how many boxes you want to sell.
  • ->After checking your box (and double-checking, because we all know typos are sneaky), send it for approval.
  • ->Once it's approved - voila! Your box will be live and ready to buy.

Remember to hype up your box to maybe increase sales. The real fun starts when people open your personalized surprise box. It's like Christmas morning, but without the awkward family photos! :)

Can I sell the mystery box I made on MysteryOpening?

Your unique boxes can really 'pop' on MysteryOpening - if they're packed with top-notch stuff, they'll be a blast for anyone who uses them. (No pressure, right?)

Shouting out about these custom boxes on social media could reel in some possible buyers - because who doesn't love a good shout-out? ;)

With steady grind and stick-to-itiveness, your boxes could get super popular. (And we all know popularity is the key to happiness, haha).

What payment methods does MysteryOpening take?

MysteryOpening lets you pay in a bunch of different ways - how accommodating of them, right?

  • ->You can use the usual stuff like gift cards, credit cards, and bank transfers.
  • ->They also take new-fangled stuff like cryptocurrency and Discord deposits - because who doesn't love a bit of modernity? ;)

MysteryOpening is cool with both old-school and new-age payment methods. So, you can pick whatever way to pay that works best for you. Isn't choice a wonderful thing?

Can I buy mystery boxes on MysteryOpening using crypto?

You can buy mystery boxes with digital money on MysteryOpening. Welcome to the 21st century, folks! It's normal to pay with cryptocurrency now -

  • ->Bitcoins
  • ->Ethereum
  • ->Litecoin

Sometimes, a box might just have a secret code to get more digital coins. But remember, surprises can be as unpredictable as my ex's mood swings. So, don't spend too much without checking things out first. Enjoy shopping for your mystery boxes, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

Does MysteryOpening give any price cuts or special deals?

People often ask, "Does MysteryOpening have any discounts or promos?" Well, they might not always have deals, but they do have ways to save cash.

  • ->Newbies get 5 free boxes - how's that for a warm welcome? ;)
  • ->Deposit bonuses and daily boxes are good for saving in the long term;
  • ->Regular giveaways give you a chance to earn credit.
  • ->Also, Double XP when opening Top Picks helps you level up faster for more cool offers.

So, it might not be the cheapest option, but there are plenty of ways to save. With a 4.1 out of 5 stars rating on Trustpilot, people seem happy with the value. It's worth considering. There could be a special deal just waiting for you. Like the old saying goes: "If you don't try, you'll never win." Or as I like to say, "No risk, no reward!" Giving MysteryOpening a shot could be a good move. Who knows? You might just hit the jackpot! :)

Does MysteryOpening have a program for recommending friends?

MysteryOpening, oh yes, that cool kid on the block, has a pretty nifty referral program. If you tell your friends about us - and why wouldn't you? - you can get some of the money they deposit.

Plus, if you refer a lot of people, you might even get an extra bonus.

Now, wouldn't that be a cherry on top? ;)

Does MysteryOpening have a rewards program?

  • ->their referral system
  • ->deposit bonuses
  • ->daily boxes
  • ->and more.

Plus, when you open 'Top Picks' boxes, you earn double the experience points - talk about a win-win situation! So, there's loads of ways to get rewards while having fun with MysteryOpening. Just remember to use your rewards smartly - not that I'm implying anything ;).

How much time will it take to get my mystery box from MysteryOpening?

  • ->If you're in the USA, it'll be at your doorstep in 1-3 days - talk about express delivery!
  • ->For our customers outside the USA, you might have to wait up to 4 weeks.

But hey, waiting can make getting your surprise package even more exciting, right? It's like Christmas in July... or August... or September :)

Can I send back or swap a mystery box on MysteryOpening?

MysteryOpening has a no-return or exchange policy for their surprise boxes - tough luck, right? Once you open it, whatever's inside is all yours.

The 'fun' part of these surprise boxes is that you never know what you're gonna get.

It's like life's box of chocolates, but without the sweet aftertaste :).

Does MysteryOpening promise anything about their mystery boxes?

MysteryOpening lets you find hidden stuff in our mystery boxes - it's like a treasure hunt, but without the pirates.

The cool part? Not knowing what you'll get, kinda like surprise parties (but hopefully without the awkward singing).

You might find:

  • ->brand items
  • ->maybe something you didn't expect - like socks from your grandma :)

If you're into the thrill of surprises, MysteryOpening is your go-to.

Give our unique mystery boxes a shot; who knows, you might just hit the jackpot! Haha.

This article was written, checked and verified by multiple authors to ensure maximum accuracy and up to date data. We strive for providing the best and most helpful resources about Mystery Boxes available.

  • Profile Picture of author BetterChecked Editorial Staff
    BetterChecked Editorial StaffPublisher and authors with years of experience.
  • Profile Picture of author Ashley
    AshleyProfessional mystery box unboxer and part-time gamer, I'm here to guide you through the numerous providers and to help avoid getting scammed. Expect the unexpected. You can call me UnboxFanatic.

Have suggestions or want to become an author for our mystery boxes magazine as well?

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7.9 /10

MysteryOpening is #1 in Top 9 mystery box websites 2024 - don't buy BEFORE reading