Background Image for Is Lootie legit: No, after seeing this sponsored video with 1 in 50 million odds
Image for Is Lootie legit: No, after seeing this sponsored video with 1 in 50 million odds

Is Lootie legit: No, after seeing this sponsored video with 1 in 50 million odds

The Ace Family just unboxed an iPhone and PS5 in one stream, which seems impossible. Something feels off about Lootie's provably fair algorithm.

Takeaways by BetterChecked
  • Lootie’s algorithm is being questioned after the Ace Family's victory.
  • Crazy 1 in 50 million chances.

Lootie scam: Ace Family's 1 in 50 million win

As a long-time reviewer of online mystery boxes, I was fascinated when the Ace Family posted a video where they won an iPhone followed by a PS5 on Lootie.

My first thoughts were that the odds of this occurring are extremely low. I later read that it was estimated by Reddit users as 1 in 50 million chance. I checked their math and it checks out.

In my own experience with mystery box sites, these back-to-back big wins are extremely rare, so this seems highly suspicious.

Most reputable sites use fair odds and random number generators to make sure everyone has an equal chance at winning big. Rigging odds in favor of influencers paid for sponsorships damages consumer trust.

With the odds shown on Lootie’s homepage, the iPhone and PS5 wins are extremely unlikely, if not even impossible.

Either way, this controversial double win has created a lot of speculation and criticism against Lootie.

As someone passionate about the online mystery box industry, I want to see sites promote honesty and fairness. Major wins should be legitimate, not rigged.

I hope this high-profile case helps create positive change, improving standards across mystery box websites.

Can Lootie be trusted after this controversy?

I have to say that Lootie’s controversy has brought-upon serious questions about their trustworthiness.

While they haven’t been too trustworthy to begin with, this incident only further damages their reputation. We touch upon some of the serious transparency issues in the full Lootie review here.

The odds of winning an iPhone and a PS5 on the same day are astronomical, and the fact that it happened to such a high-profile sponsorship only creates more suspicion.

Customers are wondering if they can trust Lootie to provide fair and honest mystery boxes, and it's a question that needs to be answered quickly.

Recommendation by BetterChecked

In our experience, this is a clear sign, Lootie is a scam and NOT legit.

Do your research instead of trusting rigged content creators

As an experienced mystery box reviewer, I've learned not to take sponsored unboxings at face value.

Odds-defying wins like the Ace Family scoring an iPhone and PS5 in one video should raise red flags (learn 3 more key red flags to watch out for when using mystery box websites).

Trustworthy reviewers share honest experiences across multiple mystery box sites.

Compare prices, policies, ratings and community reviews before trusting a mystery box website.

Rigged wins create false hope. Do your own research to avoid disappointment.

This article was written, checked and verified by multiple authors to ensure maximum accuracy and up to date data. We strive for providing the best and most helpful resources about Mystery Boxes available.

  • Profile Picture of author BetterChecked Editorial Staff
    BetterChecked Editorial StaffPublisher and authors with years of experience.
  • Profile Picture of author Ashley
    AshleyProfessional mystery box unboxer and part-time gamer, I'm here to guide you through the numerous providers and to help avoid getting scammed. Expect the unexpected. You can call me UnboxFanatic.

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