Background Image for $41M crypto heist: hacked in Sep 2023
Image for $41M crypto heist: hacked in Sep 2023

$41M crypto heist: hacked in Sep 2023

A $41M crypto heist on has got people worried about the safety of betting on esports with Bitcoin. The attack is thought to be done by North Korea's Lazarus Group. North Korea, always keeping things engaging...

Takeaways by BetterChecked
  • $41M stolen in crypto heist, hitting Bitcoin esports betting hard. Wow, that's a tough day for online gamblers!
  • Hack linked to Lazarus Group.
  • The theft includes $17M in Ethereum and $25.6M in Binance Smart Chain.
  • is still running, even with the ongoing inquiry.
  • FBI releases a list of connected crypto addresses.

On September 4, 2023, suffered a massive cyberattack.

Hackers from North Korea’s Lazarus Group breached the platform's security, stealing $15.7 million in Ethereum and $25.6 million in Binance Smart Chain and Polygon. This was a sophisticated operation, with the Lazarus Group planning everything carefully.

Humorous sketch of hackers planning a cyberattack

They laundered the stolen funds through multiple crypto addresses and platforms to conceal their origin and make recovery difficult.

The group demonstrated a thorough understanding of the gambling industry and crypto casinos and exploited weaknesses in’s security that were previously thought to be secure.

Humorous meme about security breaches, founded in 2017, had established a strong reputation in esports betting for games like CS:GO, Dota 2, and League of Legends. The community, which had placed a great deal of trust in the platform, was overcome with anxiety when the breach occurred.

Stake's Esports betting page, once considered reliable, now faced a significant security crisis.

Recommendation by BetterChecked

The breach at shows how advanced cyber threats are getting. It's a big reminder for all digital platforms to beef up their security.

Stake hacked: quick response and mixed community reactions quickly got things back on track and calmed users down by getting back online within hours and assuring them that their accounts were safe.

This fast action demonstrated their ability to handle a crisis, but opinions were mixed. Many were relieved to see things up and running again with little disruption, while others thought it was an attempt to salvage their reputation. Users wanted better security for their digital assets and personal information.

A meme showing a rollercoaster labeled " users' emotions" then implemented a new cybersecurity plan, collaborating with top firms for thorough audits. The new measures included:

  • ->end-to-end encryption for all data and transactions
  • ->two-factor authentication for logins
  • ->regular security audits to identify and address issues
A sketch showing the process of implementing cybersecurity measures humorously

This marked a shift from reacting to crises to being proactive about security. Despite these efforts, some users remained doubtful.

Recommendation by BetterChecked’s quick action and better security show how important it is to stay ahead to keep users' trust. Because, let's be real, no one trusts a failing venture.

A meme showing a skeptical user with the text "When says they're secure now

FBI confirms Lazarus Group involvement: what it means for the future

The FBI confirmed that the Lazarus Group was behind the hack, sharing a list of crypto addresses linked to the group's activities and showing how they hid the stolen funds.

This backed up’s findings and served as a warning for other digital platforms, putting everyone in digital currency and betting on high alert.

“Sketch of how stolen funds were hidden by the Lazarus Group”

The FBI’s involvement highlighted the dangers of state-sponsored cybercriminals, as the Lazarus Group’s actions are part of a trend: North Korean hackers stole about $340 million in cryptocurrency in 2023, according to Chainalysis.

Chainalysis report regarding hacked North Korean funds

This development adds to the existing concerns.

Recommendation by BetterChecked

The FBI confirming state-sponsored cybercriminals means we really need strong security on all digital platforms.

For, the future involves serious planning to prevent future hacks. The company has reached a critical juncture, requiring swift recovery and heightened vigilance against new attacks.

Companies have recognized that investing in top-notch security is essential. The experience of has provided valuable lessons to others in the industry.


In short, the $41 million hack serves as a warning and an opportunity for growth, as the esports betting giant's recovery from the incident exposed significant vulnerabilities.

The future of the industry depends on improving security measures and learning from such events.'s experience highlights the importance of staying vigilant in the face of evolving cyber threats.

Recommendation by BetterChecked

The hack is a big reminder to always stay alert and keep up with security measures. Hackers never take breaks. ☕

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